Professional Relo



Professional Relo


Professional Relo


Game of Bingo

16 February 2016

In 2014, Professional Relo established a policy concerning corporate social responsibility, as part of GQS (Global Quality Seal) quality certification.

This policy is aimed at integrating social and environmental concerns into our business operations. We are fully committed to the principle of CSR, which we believe should become embedded in our policies and practices, to the benefit of both the staff and the wider community.

In this perspective, we kicked off 2016 with a fun game of bingo. The idea was developed and implemented by our Rosy. For several weeks she patiently asked her colleagues as well as outside consultants to rummage in their wardrobes and drawers and bring unused objects or gifts to the office.

The event was enthusiastically attended by a large number of our staff, who were pleased to join this charity project.

The proceeds went to Milan’s Croce Rosa Celeste – for which our consultant, Aurelia, volunteers – to help purchase a new ambulance.

Obviously enough, this also meant an opportunity to meet after office hours and share this event in a cheerful atmosphere and with a spirit of solidarity. A must repeat experience!

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via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.