Professional Relo



Professional Relo


Professional Relo



Can I open a bank account?
EU and non-EU Nationals, both Resident and non-Resident, from 18 years of age onward can open a bank account (Conto Corrente) in Italy. Different offered conditions are mostly based on the fact that the EU or non-EU National is or is not resident in Italy; but in actual facts conditions are based on the internal rules of each bank, which are therefore at their discretion. Most banks have heavy restrictions in opening a bank account for non-Residents.

What documents are required to open a bank account?
The following documents are usually required (list of docs may vary from bank to bank):
• Passport
• Tax code (Codice Fiscale)
• Italian ID card (if you are resident)
• Employer letter to prove employment in Italy
• Lease contract or a recent utility bill (as proof of address)

Do banks offer on-line banking?
All banks offer online banking system to easily conduct financial transactions. However online banking is usually available in Italian language only.


via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.