Professional Relo



Professional Relo


Professional Relo


Professional Relocation Services

Corporations choosing with our relocation service in Italy typically look for a long-term relationship with a reliable relocation partner which can support their Assignees before their arrival, during the whole period of stay, until their departure, by taking care of all the aspects connected with an international, or national, transfer. We provide a full range of destination services to help corporate Employees locate the best schools for their children, find the best areas to live in, rent the right property, settle into their new locations, and eventually move out/back at the end of their assignments, always relying on knowledgeable, effective support.

Orientation Tours


Pre arrival tour-look & see trip

If you are not familiar with a country, it is difficult to figure out where you should look… Where are the best areas? What is the housing market like and how expensive is it? Which services and facilities are available in the different locations? And so on.

This orientation programme, to be delivered before or in conjunction with actual home finding, is aimed at:
• Informing about different residential areas and identifying the most suitable ones;
• Understanding the local housing rental market;
• Understanding general living conditions at destination (driving, public transportation, health care, shopping etc.);
• Choosing the best education options, when needed;
• Assessing adequate and realistic housing requirements for the following “home search” programme.

A one or more day programme is typically focused on:
• Assessing housing and living needs;
• Viewing a few “sample” properties;
• Visiting different neighbourhoods to highlight the pros and cons of each area (cost of living, commuting from/to school and/or from/to work, available facilities etc.).

Post arrival tour

The Post-Arrival Orientation Programme consists in following the move into the new property, assisting Relocatees in becoming familiar with their new home and neighbourhood, and helping them during the settling-in period.

The topics covered include the following:
• Property wear & tear;
• Health care;
• Banking;
• Shopping, sports and other facilities;
• Public transportation;
• International (women’s) clubs;
• Do’s and don’ts and others living-in aspects of interest.

Children’s Education


International and Italian system

The success of the whole family’s move s greatly connected with children’s ability to adjust themselves and settle happily into their new environment. This programme enables parents to visit the most suitable schools and choose the most appropriate one.

Our School Programme is often associated with the Pre-Arrival/Look&See Trip. It allows parents not only to find out the different education options but also to understand about each location around the school: neighbourhoods, housing options, services and facilities, commuting etc.

We strongly believe in the importance for parents to make the right education choice, being well aware of the impact that such choice will have on their daily lives.

Our comprehensive support includes the following:
• Guidance on the international, or Italian schooling options;
• Accompanied visits to the selected schools;
• Accompanied tour of the surrounding areas and visits to a few “sample” properties (see also Pre-Arrival Tour/Look&See Trip).

Home Finding Programmes

for-rentOur Long-Term Housing Programmes are tailored to each Transferee’s and Corporate Client’s needs. Assignees and their families are supported to find the best possible housing option in a hassle-free and time-effective manner.
From needs analysis to property screening and accompanied viewing, our local relocation consultants help set realistic expectations and find the best possible housing solutions within budget.

Professional Relo is independent and does not get any commissions from estate agents. This enables us to always highlight the pros and cons of each property, help Relocatees to consciously choose the places that best match with their needs.

The Long-Term Home Finding Programme is typically delivered within 1 to 3 days, according to the agreements made with the Corporate Client based on the Assignee’s level, family status, destination city etc.
The service includes the following:

• Needs assessment;
• Property screening;
• Accompanied viewing of pre-selected properties;
• Detailed checklist for each reviewed property;
• Advice on pros and cons of each short-listed property;
• Lease proposal negotiation & signing;
• Lease contract negotiation & signing;
• Delivery of the Welcome Kit, which includes maps, local information as well as our “Italy” and “city-specific” Relocation Guides about, for example, housing, driving, banking and health care.

Our Short-Term Housing Programmes are conceived for business travellers, Relocatees needing a temporary solution while looking for their long-term property or moving on short-term assignments (up to 6 months). Based on each specific situation, our proposed Short-Term Home Finding Programme can be either Coordinated or Accompanied.

Settling-In: Lease negotiation – Utility hook-up; property hand-over.

Once a suitable property has been secured, settling-in support becomes essential to negotiate the best possible conditions, to sign an adequate lease and to move in quickly and easily.

The settling-in service includes the following:
• Keys handover and property check-in inspection;
• Utility, telephone, internet, SKY TV hook-up;
• Garbage Removal Tax registration;
• 30day Help-Line support.

Move Coordination

Finding a reliable moving company as part of the relocation process can be time consuming and challenging for movers and employers alike. In close partnership with the most recognized removal firms in the industry, Professional Relo acts as a service coordinator to make household moves as easy and as hassle-free as possible.

The move coordination service includes the following:
• Coordinating pre-move survey/s;
• Collection of cost estimation/s to be sent to the Employee or the Employer for approval;
• Provision of the Assignee’s address in the host destination and any other information related to home accessibility and availability.

Helpline & Tenancy Management

Helpline Support

We are fully aware of, and sympathetic to, the stress and difficulties that can be involved when moving to a foreign country, especially if not knowing the language! Through this back-office, ongoing support, we help newcomers deal with day-to-day issues or find the right answer whenever looking for an English-speaking doctor, a home technician or needing to communicate with their owner. Our HelpLine service means a very important support for the expatriates and an efficient timesaving tool for the company.

Tenancy Management

A comprehensive service dedicated to corporate lease contracts, to ensure our Clients regular maintenance and management of the rented property.

As well as the Help-Line, this programme also includes the following:
• Registration for Garbage Removal Tax;
• Rental payment advice;
• Heating system annual check;
• Lease Contract’s annual renewal tax payment;
• Annual rental revision of the variation in the ISTAT (Central Statistics Institute) index;
• Counselling on Lessor-Lessee relationship;
• Any other issues that may arise during the Tenancy.

Departure Programmes

Indeed moving away is a very tough and demanding activity, which requires a local expert dealing with property cleaning & painting quotes, utility cancellation, government de-registrations, safety deposit return… Our Departure Programmes take care of any practical and administrative matters to enable our Clients and their Employees to close the relocation circle in the most correct and regular manner.

Our Standard Departure Programme includes the following:
• Pre-Departure Check-List;
• Sending notice to leave;
• Pre CHECK-OUT Inspection;
• Coordination for property cleaning, painting, repairs etc.;
• Termination notification to Authorities; Termination Tax payment via F23 Form;
• Utility, telephone and internet disconnection;
• Internet and Sky decoders return;
• CHECK-OUT Inspection;
• Coordination Return of Safety Deposit to Tenant;
• Deregistrations (city hall, garbage removal, health care…);
• Bank account closing;
• Other miscellaneous items relating to individual’s move.


via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.