Professional Relo



Professional Relo


Professional Relo


Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions for the provision of Destination & Immigration Services


Art. 1 Application for service

The authorization to initiate services, needs to originate from a pre-determined person within the originating organization (the client). We accept service initiation via QOB (Quick Online Booking) in ReloTracker™ or via email indicating the required services, however it is the responsibility of the client to ensure internal safeguards are in-place. The assignee will be contacted within 1 working day of the receipt of the authorization.

Art. 2 Additional packages

Professional Relo will not perform any additional tasks outside of the agreed packages without written permission from the ordering authorized person.

Art. 3 Confidentiality

Information transmitted of a confidential nature will not be shared with any third party, except where this is required in order for us to deliver the services. The nature of our services requires us to share information with certain service providers, relevant to the immigration, relocation and settling-in process, in particular Italian authorities, landlords, insurance companies, banks, telecoms companies and occasionally other similar service providers. This information will be used solely for the purpose of assisting with the immigration, relocation and settling-in process. Data will be kept secured and with restricted access at all times. We will return all confidential material including copies immediately if requested by the instructing party.

Professional Relo is processing personal data in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 679/2016. Our complete privacy policy is available on the Professional Relo website or by clicking here.

Art. 4 Charges and expenses

Professional Relo does not include the cost of lunches in the package prices nor the Real estate agency fees. See also Article 12 Pricing.

Art. 5 Normal business hours

Prices are based on working hours of Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (bank holidays are classified as non-working days). An additional 50% surcharge will be levied on work done outside of these hours. Prior agreement will be requested from the client before delivery. One day is based on 8 hours of customer contact, research and administrative work.

Art. 6 Home rental

Whilst we will do our best to secure the rental property, working within the restraints of the market and accepted business practice, Professional Relo cannot be held responsible for the refusal of a lease proposal.

Unless otherwise agreed, the Home finding services do not include any property management or airing of the property on behalf of the client.

Art. 7 Security deposits for rental properties

Whilst we will assist with the negotiation for the release of the security deposit at the end of the rental period, Professional Relo cannot be held responsible for a security deposit which is not liberated by the landlord.

Art. 8 Liability exemption

Professional Relo cannot be held liable for any pre-existing damages to the properties.

Professional Relo selects the highest quality international shipment companies to send your documents. The responsibility for any delay in delivery or loss of dispatched documentation, irrespective of customer, lies entirely with the courier. Professional Relo is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage.

Professional Relo is exempt from any liability relating to the supply of goods and services delivered by third parties even if suggested by Professional Relo, such as estate agents, movers, painters, home technicians, utilities suppliers etc.

The Client will ensure that the documents and information it or its Representatives/Employees provide to Professional Relo for the performance of the Services are genuine, true and accurate. Professional Relo will not be liable for any costs, charges or losses that the Client or its employees incur if they are not.

Art. 9 immigration services delivery terms

As an organisation Professional Relo cannot make any absolute guarantees to secure a work permit or a residence permit, nor can it guarantee the time it may take to complete immigration/administration formalities.

The Authorities have the right to request at any moment additional information or documents from The Employer and/or the Employee. The Client is therefore informed that immigration and local government procedures could require unpredictable additional work and time, not known at the time the service is initiated. Action plan(s) will promptly be communicated as needed together with any possible additional cost.

Appointments with Public Offices are amongst the most delicate steps within the immigration process. In most cases these appointments are automatically scheduled and cannot be modified, therefore must be treated as a binding commitment. Transferees are met directly at the Office/s concerned.

Art. 10 Destination services delivery terms

During Orientation and Housing Programmes, Professional Relo provides car transportation for a maximum of 2 people. In case of families with children, the Transferee is required to drive his/her own car and to have the appropriate infant car-seats. As an alternative, Professional Relo can rent a larger car (mini-van) with driver, to be charged separately subject to Client’s approval.

Professional Relo does not pre-view selected properties.

It is not possible to guarantee a fixed number of properties to be visited, thus depending on the market’s conditions prevailing at the time of the search and/or of the move.

Should the accommodation be autonomously found by the Assignee, unexpected extra work on lease proposal & contract negotiation, check-in or utility hook-up may increase service fee.

Housing Programmes include 1 lease proposal and 1 lease contract negotiation. In case a negotiation fails, for any reasons which is not due to Professional Relo, a second lease negotiation may be considered as an extra and charged per hour.

Lease contract registration is part of the estate agent’s activity. Should Professional Relo be required to conduct this service, that will be charged separately.

All Contracts (lease, telephone, utilities, bank account etc.) are in Italian. In case a good faith translation is required, related costs will be charged separately, subject to Client’s approval. The same is applicable to gas heaters, alarm systems, electrical appliances maintenance and instruction booklets, should these be missing or available in Italian only.

Art. 11 Power of attorney

For immigration purposes and/or if the assignee is not yet in Italy, Professional Relo will require a power of attorney to deliver the service on the client’s behalf.

Art. 12 Pricing

All pricing is exclusive (indicatively and not exhaustively) of:

VAT, where applicable; Translations and legalizations of any type of document; Disbursements (Government Stamps, consular fees, other administrative charges); Costs related to the Residence Permit application, to be anticipated by the Employer or its Employee as agreed; Realtor’s Commission Fee, whose cost will be invoiced to the Client or to its Employee as agreed; Other disbursements related to housing rental (as but not limited to lease contract registration/deregistration, utilities connection/disconnection, mail forwarding etc.); Taxis, traffic congestion charges, where applicable; Car mileage reimbursement, should a limit be indicated; Couriers and expedited mails; Transferees’ meals and other costs preliminary approved by Client.

Art. 13 Payment terms

Invoices are issued in Euros unless otherwise agreed.

Terms of payment are 30 days from date of invoice, month end, by bank transfer.

Packages are invoiced as follows:

Immigration Package: 100% upon Work Permit obtainment.

Immigration Package Renewal: 100% at the fingerprint appointment.

Destination Package: 100% at the check-in inspection.

Settling-In/Local Registration Package: 100% at the start of the service.

Any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Professional Relo shall be governed by Art. 15 of Italian Presidential Decree 633/1972.

Any other terms of invoice and/or payment will be agreed upon between the parties in advance.

Art. 14 Cancellation and rescheduling

The Client is entitled to void, stop or postpone work orders. A cancellation fee will be applied based on amount of completed work. Should the Client or the Employee cancel or reschedule an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, a graduated fee up to 100% of the service cost could be charged.

Extra work due to a significant change of criteria or planning from the client’s end, will be charged for the hourly fee of 80€ for destination services and 130€ for immigration services.

Art. 15 Legal legislation

We will abide by Italian legislation at all time. The legal venue for both parties is at the location of the service providers registered office.


General terms and conditions for the provision of Destination & Immigration Services for private customers


Art. 1 Application for service
Professional Relo will not perform any services without a confirmation of the quote by email.

Art. 2 Additional packages
Professional Relo will not perform any additional tasks outside of the agreed packages without written permission from the authorized ordering person.

Art. 3 Confidentiality
Information transmitted of a confidential nature will not be shared with any third party, except where this is required in order for us to deliver the services. The nature of our services requires us to share information with certain service providers relevant to the immigration, relocation and settling-in process, in particular Italian authorities, landlords, insurance companies, banks, telecoms companies and occasionally other similar service providers. This information will be used solely for the purpose of assisting with the immigration, relocation and settling-in process. Data will be kept secured and with restricted access at all times. We will return all confidential material including copies immediately if requested by the instructing party.
Professional Relo is processing personal data in accordance to Regulation (EU) 679/2016. Our complete privacy policy is available on the Professional Relo website or by clicking here.

Art. 4 Charges and expenses
Professional Relo does not include the cost of lunches in the package prices nor the Real estate agency fees. See also Article 12 Pricing.

Art. 5 Normal business hours
Prices are based on working hours of Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm (bank holidays are classified as non-working days). An additional 50% surcharge will be levied on work done outside of these hours. Prior agreement will be requested from the client before delivery. One day is based on 8 hours of customer contact, research and administrative work.

Art. 6 Home rental
Whilst we will do our best to secure the rental property, working within the restraints of the market and accepted business practice, Professional Relo cannot be held responsible for the refusal of a lease proposal.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Home finding services do not include any property management or airing of the property on behalf of the client.

Art. 7 Security deposits for rental properties
Whilst we will assist with the negotiation for the release of the security deposit at the end of the rental period, Professional Relo cannot be held responsible for a security deposit which is not liberated by the landlord.

Art. 8 Liability exemption
Professional Relo cannot be held liable for any pre-existing damage to the properties.
Professional Relo selects the highest quality international shipment companies to send your documents. The responsibility for any delay in delivery or loss of dispatched documentation, irrespective of customer, lies entirely with the courier. Professional Relo is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage.

Professional Relo is exempt from any liability relating to the supply of goods and services delivered by third parties even if suggested by Professional Relo, such as estate agents, movers, painters, home technicians, utilities suppliers etc.
The Client will ensure that the documents and information it or its Representatives/Employees provide to Professional Relo for the performance of the Services are genuine, true and accurate. Professional Relo will not be liable for any costs, charges or losses that the Client or its employees incur if they are not.

Art. 9 immigration services delivery terms
As an organisation Professional Relo cannot make any absolute guarantees to secure a work permit or a residence permit, nor can it guarantee the time it may take to complete immigration/administration formalities.
The Authorities have the right to request at any moment additional information or documents from The Employer and/or the Employee. The Client is therefore informed that immigration and local government procedures could require unpredictable additional work and time, not known at the time the service is initiated. Action plan(s) will promptly be communicated as needed together with any possible additional cost.
Appointments with Public Offices are amongst the most delicate steps within the immigration process. In most cases these appointments are automatically scheduled and cannot be modified, therefore must be treated as a binding commitment. Transferees are met directly at the Office/s concerned.

Art. 10 Destination services delivery terms
During Orientation and Housing Programmes, Professional Relo provides car transportation for a maximum of 2 people. In cases of families with children, the Transferee is required to drive his/her own car and to have the appropriate infant car-seats. As an alternative, Professional Relo can rent a larger car (mini-van) with driver, to be charged separately subject to Client’s approval.
Professional Relo does not pre-view selected properties.
It is not possible to guarantee a fixed number of properties to be visited, thus depending on the market’s conditions prevailing at the time of the search and/or of the move.
Should the accommodation be autonomously found by the Assignee, unexpected extra work on lease proposal & contract negotiation, check-in or utility hook-up may increase service fee.
Housing Programmes include 1 lease proposal and 1 lease contract negotiation. In case a negotiation fails, for any reasons which is not due to Professional Relo, a second lease negotiation may be considered as an extra and charged per hour.
Lease contract registration is part of the estate agent’s activity. Should Professional Relo be required to conduct this service, that will be charged separately.
All Contracts (lease, telephone, utilities, bank account etc.) are in Italian. In case a good faith translation is required, related costs will be charged separately, subject to Client’s approval. The same is applicable to gas heaters, alarm systems, electrical appliances maintenance and instruction booklets, should these be missing or available in Italian only.

Art. 11 Power of attorney
For immigration purposes and/or if the assignee is not yet in Italy, Professional Relo will require a power of attorney to deliver the service on the client’s behalf.

Art. 12 Pricing
All pricing is exclusive (indicatively and not exhaustively) of:
VAT, where applicable; Translations and legalizations of any type of document; Disbursements (Government Stamps, consular fees, other administrative charges); Costs related to the Residence Permit application, to be anticipated by the Employer or its Employee as agreed; Realtor’s Commission Fee, whose cost will be invoiced to the Client or to its Employee as agreed; Other disbursements related to housing rental (as but not limited to lease contract registration/deregistration, utilities connection/disconnection, mail forwarding etc.); Taxis, traffic congestion charges, where applicable; Car mileage reimbursement, should a limit be indicated; Couriers and expedited mails; Transferees’ meals and other costs preliminary approved by Client.

Art. 13 Payment terms
We request settlement in full before the beginning of services. We accept payment via bank transfer or credit card. The client will be contacted within 1 working day of the confirmation of payment. Government fees and fees relating to legal experts and legalization of paperwork are payable directly to those service providers and are not included in the package price.
Any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Professional Relo shall be governed by Art. 15 of Italian Presidential Decree 633/1972.
Any other terms of invoice and/or payment will be agreed upon between the parties in advance.

Art. 14 Refunds
No refunds will be provided if you choose to cancel or discontinue your order with Professional Relo after we have begun delivering your arrival, departure or immigration services (the day the Destination coordinator, Relocation Consultant, or Immigration Consultant contacts you).

Art. 15 Cancellation
It is possible to cancel your order after it has been paid, but before the service has been initiated (see article 14 above). The cancellation fee is EUR 250. Professional Relo will only cancel the order after the invoice is paid.

Art. 16 Legal legislation
We will abide by Italian legislation at all time. The legal venue for both parties is at the location of the service providers registered office.


via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.