Professional Relo



Professional Relo


Professional Relo


Immigration Documents

Is a Visa required for non EU Nationals entering Italy for tourism or business stays up to 90 days?
The maximum total period of stay allowed in the Schengen Area is 90 days within a given 180 day period. In case the non-EU Citizen is not subject to any Visa obligation, they will enter Italy without any pre-arrival process. On the contrary, should the non-EU Citizen be required to obtain a Visa before entering Europe, they will have to finalize application at the Italian Consulate in the country of residency/origin for a short-term Entry Visa, for tourism or business, known as “Schengen Visa”.

Can a Schengen Visa be extended?
No, it cannot.

Does a Schengen Visa allow to perform a work activity?
No, it does not. Visitors can conduct business meetings, attend seminars and other business related activities, but they cannot work. Whether visa is requested or not, the purpose of the visit must be leisure, tourism, or business.

What immigration procedure shall a non EU National  finalize to work and live in Italy?
In order to stay in Italy more than three months for work/family reasons, non-EU Nationals must go through 3 main immigration steps, in the following order:
1) Before employee starts to work their Italian employer must apply for a Work Permit and for a Family Permit issued by the local Immigration Office, where applicable.
2) Before coming to Italy, non-EU National must apply for an entry visa, issued by the Italian Consulate in the country of residency or origin;
3) Upon arrival in Italy, non-EU National must apply for a Residence Permit, issued by the Immigration Police Department.

Does a non EU National have to apply for a Residence Permit once arrived in Italy with a Work Permit?
Yes. Upon signing of the “Job Contract”, the Integration Agreement and still within 8 business days, the employee (and dependants) must apply for a Residence Permit at a designated Post Office. When application for Residence Permit is complete, an appointment is set within the following 4 to 12 weeks at the Police Immigration Office to check all documents in original and to file Employee’s (and dependants’) fingerprints. Police officer will inform about estimated date to collect the Residence Permit card. Time required to cover the process varies, on average, from 2,5 to 6 months.

What about Employee’s family dependants?
A Family Permit can be applied at the collection of the Employee’s Work Permit and for the same length of stay. Alternatively, a Family Cohesion procedure (Coesione Familiare) can be processed. Professional Relo can suggest either option according to Employee’s personal situation, family needs and host city. Family relationships must be proved, partners shall be legally married or bound by civil union (proof is required with the original legalized and translated Certificate not older than six months) and children must be under 18 years old and provide their original legalized and translated Birth Certificate (not older than six months) in order to be treated as dependants.

Do EU Nationals need any work/family permit to live and work in Italy?
No, they do not. Any EU National staying more than 90 days must apply for the Attestato di Soggiorno at the Town Hall. Town Hall registration (Residenza) has to be completed first in order to obtain the Attestato di Soggiorno.

What is the Italian Codice Fiscale (Tax Code) and why do I need it?
The Codice Fiscale is the unique number allocated to any people living in Italy. Everybody needs one, including children under age and newborn. Tax Code is required to cover any administrative formality such as renting a property; connecting telephone, internet and utilities, assignation to an Italian company payroll, opening a bank account, buying a car or a SIM card etc.


via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.