Professional Relo




Professional Relo


Professional Relo


Quality Certification

Our Mission is to be recognized as the Italian provider offering the highest quality in relocation services. High quality is the key to our success. Since 1994, Professional Relo has been committed to fully meeting and even exceeding its Clients’ and Customers’ expectations. Our mission is fulfilled through measurable criteria, objectives, KPIs and procedures. As a testimony to our commitment in this area, in 2014 we were the first company to obtain the EuRA Global Quality Seal in Italy.

The EuRA Global Quality Seal (EGQS) is the world’s first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. This pioneering initiative provides a straight forward, cost effective external audit to reflect its members’ excellence in providing relocation services. Based on an ISO:9001 process management model, the EuRA Global Quality Seal goes beyond by specifying the additional processes and Key Performance Indicators that reflect the very highest standards in relocation services. By achieving the Global Quality Seal, Professional Relo is willing to prove its total commitment to Quality, to provide a more and more efficient, effective, professional and ethically correct assistance to its Clients.

Quality Policy

Professional Relo aims to be recognized as a company providing the highest quality of professional relocation services. In an increasingly demanding world, Professional Relo is well aware of the importance of how much an assured level of Quality can assist us to satisfy our clients and customers.

Thanks to the EuRA Quality Process, taking over the most demanding criteria and best practices adopted in the relocation industry, we want to strive our commitment to Quality management.

  • Interested parties are aware Professional Relo is Certified by accessing the Quality page on our website. Mission, conference and training information is available on the page. GQS logo is on our formal documents and on the electronic signature.
  • Company Quality Policy is reviewed at least once a year during the management review.
  • The top management is committed to fully meeting the quality policy by training the employees and external consultants to provide the best service. Service Quality is fulfilled through measurable criteria, objectives, KPIs analysis, client and Customer satisfaction and through periodic check of procedures and team work.
  • Monthly internal staff meetings, specific refresher courses where needed, safety training in compliance with Italian Law and training for personal data processing, are set periodically to comply with requirements of the EuRA Global Quality Seal (GQS) standard.
  • The continual control of processes is key to focusing on customers’ needs and delivering a quality service. Professional Relo’s top management involve and support the team daily for process improvement, motivating the team to share ideas, better practice. Continual monitoring of external consultants on ground guarantees quality of their performance. They are trained regularly.
  • To continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system, Professional Relo analyses the comments and notes shared by Customer through the Evaluation and results of KPI measurements. During staff meetings the Customers’ feedbacks are discussed to better learn about possible best practice/corrective action to adopt, where applicable in the immediate future and, in case, to review processes to improve service quality.

Every person working at Professional Relo is engaged to comply with:

  • EuRA Quality Seal standards
  • EuRA Code of Conducts
  • Professional Relo’s core values: Integrity – Uprightness- Respect towards our Clients, Customers and Third parties

The MD and the OM, who has been appointed as our Quality Manager, are in charge of putting the quality system into practice. The latter is therefore responsible for the on-going implementation and maintenance of our quality management system, and oversees all services delivered to ensure that these comply with GQS standards.

Our Finance & Accounting Manager closely monitors the company’s financial health. In conjunction with the MD, fixed and variable costs are planned, budgeted and regularly monitored. Disbursements linked to each single relocation are reported via Relo Tracker™ and tracked.
The company is structured in two Departments delivering Destination and Immigration Services. Each department has its own specialists.

A team of external consultants (also called “LOC”) are located in major destinations and coordinated by our “Destination” and “Immigration” specialists acting as Coordinators.

Each Job and Role is described in writing and known to our organization.

Professional Relo is also well aware of the importance of having a satisfied and motivated Team to deliver a higher level of Quality. Therefore, we have planned to run an annual appraisal performance review to assess Employees’ and the Employer‘s goals and expectations and to measure reciprocal satisfaction.

Because we want our Quality Management System to be an ongoing programme involving the whole Team, regular staff meetings (minimum once a month) are planned to:

  • Mirror our daily work with quality standards;
  • Share any critical-to-quality events which may have happened (a service failure, a client or customer’s complaint…) and the related corrective actions undertaken;
  • Share any news/change affecting corporate Clients (contacts, office move, merge & acquisitions, AOB….);
  • Discuss about/communicate any revision/improvement on documentation, processes flows, best practices etc.;
  • Enhance the importance of following processes flow and related tasks accurately and consistently being these fundamentals quality tools;
  • Share KPI’s measurements results (based on frequency measurement) and/or introduce new KPIs, based on what we want to closely check and improve;
  • Remind our mission and commitment to Quality.

Inputs and recommendations raised during staff meetings will be brought into the annual Management Review as well, where each subject reported in the Quality Manual will be thoroughly evaluated, developed and/or integrated as necessary.

Overall, during the Management Review company documentation & procedures, KPIs, Objectives and Mission are reviewed and developed to improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System, summarily described in the following diagram.



via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.
