01 May 2021
Here are the main new measures issued by the Italian Government to contain Covid-19 contagion, as applicable between April 26 and June 15t, 2021 in the yellow zones.
CURFEW Confirmed between 10.00pm and 5.00am in the absence of proven working needs, health reasons or situations of necessity. BARS E RESTURANTS Opened for outdoor lunches and dinners. From June 1st clients will be admitted also inside the restaurant though for lunch only. Takeaway and/or delivery services are permitted from 6.00pm to 10.00pm. RETAIL SHOPS AND SHOPPING CENTRES All shops are opened including those in the shopping malls. These last ones will stay closed at weekends and on holidays. CINEMAS AND THEATRES They are permitted to reopen provided that social distancing requirements are maintained and 50% seating capacity is not exceeded. SPORTS, GYMS AND SWIMMING POOLS Swimming-pools will reopen from May 15 and fitness centres from June 1. From April 26 outdoor physical activity will be permitted including team sports. TRAVEL Travel between yellow regions is permitted. Visiting relatives and friends is permitted (up to 4 people, plus minor children). Travel to owned and long-term leased holiday homes is permitted also with relatives and friends (up to 4 people, plus minor children). |