Professional Relo



Professional Relo


Professional Relo


Corona Virus – Communication #1-2021

07 January 2021

Below is the list of the new measures issued by the Italian Government for the period between January 7 and January 15, 2021

January 7 and 8: “reinforced” YELLOW zone across Italy

  • Shops and shopping centres will be open
  • Bars and restaurants will be permitted to remain open until 6.00pm, table service being allowed (for a maximum of 4 people per table)
  • The overnight curfew will be in force from 10.00pm to 5.00am
  • The essential difference from the “conventional” yellow zone lies in that travel between regions will be prohibited

January 9 and 10: ORANGE area across Italy

  • Only retail shops (food shops, pharmacies and parapharmacies, newsstands and tobacco shops, laundries, ironmongers’, opticians’, florists, bookshops, stationary shops, computer shops, children’s clothes shops, toy shops, perfumeries, undertakers’, vending machines) will be open. Shopping centres will be closed
  • Bars and restaurants will be closed; takeaway services will be allowed
  • The overnight curfew will be in force between 10.00pm and 5.00am
  • Travel between municipalities will be allowed within a radius of 30 km only for people residing in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants

January 11-15: Italy may be divided into zones according to the Rt index recorded in each region

On Friday, January 8, the Italian National Institute (ISS) will determine – on the basis of the Rt index – which regions will switch back to yellow, which ones will remain orange, and – in the worst case scenario – which ones will be brought into the red zone.


Nursery, primary and junior secondary schools will reopen on January 7.

High school students will be back to school (partially) on January 11. However, this decision may not be final, pending the recommendations of the Technical Scientific Committee who are meeting on January 8. Actually, some regions have already postponed secondary school pupils’ return to school to either January 25 or February 1.


via Torri Bianche 3
Palazzo Larice, piano 4
20871 Vimercate (MB), Italy

Tel: +39 02 82 94 4400


P.IVA/Cod.Fisc.: 12526640151

Capitale sociale € 10.500 interamente versato
Registro Imprese 163823\1998 - REA 1562937


Quality certification
In 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Professional Relo was awarded with the EuRA (European Relocation Association) Global Quality Seal, the world's first accreditation programme for relocation service providers. Professional Relo is the first relocation company in Italy achieving the European GQS.